Confusion, Studio lights??

I hope, Finding suitable strobe/studio light for your studio set-up is quite confusing, sometimes it is a nightmare because of every studio light dealer, photography article, your photographer friend circle and so many other people who confuse you by giving different & irrelevant advice.  This article is about to clear your doubts before you buy the strobe lighting or help you to buy the correct strobe lights for your photography assignment and project.  

Let’s follow the simple tips to buy the lights.

What you shoot– Before you go to the market you must know in advance that you require the strobe light for which photography genres like portrait, product, baby, Interiors, Exteriors, fashion or you are hobbyist photographer. Once you know your genres in details then this will help you to buy the correct light because you know your requirement correctly.

Understand the WATT– When you start finalizing/sourcing/survey the strobe, there is one more confusion happens with everyone. You must have noticed some numbers written on the strobe (see the above-posted image of the light) Like AB 400, BC 500, CD 600, EF 800 etc. What is this 400/500/600/800? The answer is, this is the watt, 400 watts, 500 watts per second means in one second your strobe light throws maximum power of the 400/500 watts light on to your subject, in a simple language it’s a power of the strobe light and as long as you increase the watts of the strobe light then the amount of light will be more on to your subject. Light manufacturer companies write the maximum watt per second on the strobe light. 

  • 300W- Hobbyist, newborn, small product photography, 2-3 people together
  • 400W- Home studio, portrait, larger product photography, 
  • 600W- Studio, vehicles, outdoor,  Exteriors, Industrial, Group photos (18-20)
  • 800W- Pro, full-size studio, location sets.Hotels, Hotel’s exteriors, 
  • 1000W- Pro, Big project 

If you buy a set of two light of 400watts, then you have 800w strobe light and which is enough in the beginning. Buying a set of light is a good decision because this set contains softbox, reflector, trigger, Strobe and other important accessories and one carry bag or box. The most important thing is, you can buy this set not more than 400USD. It is a good investment for your small studio or home studio etc.

Buying High Watts Strobe– I have met a few of my photographer friend who has bought high watts studio light and but always uses the half lighting/controlled light (400watt) for the shoot mostly. When I asked the reason, they answered, because of a friend, dealer’s advice, strobe manufacturer’s video etc and they told us to buy high watt lighting for the wonderful photography. Please avoid such advises when not confirmed. there is no reason for buying expensive high watt strobe if not required at all. Once you reach a good level and understand the strobe lighting in the details then invest money in the good, expensive lighting. 

Synchronization speedYou must know in advance, what is the maximum Synchronization speed of your strobe. High-speed sync is the ability to sync your strobes to a camera when the shutter speed is set faster than 1/200 of a second. That’s basically all it is. High-speed means can your strobe shoot at the speed of 1/800th a second at f/2.8,f/4 etc. Is your strobe capable to shoot fast-moving subject or sports, speedy subject, that matter a lot? Think wisely before buying the strobe light. 

Keep experimenting, Have wonderful and happy photography to you all

Photographer and Blogger Prasenjeet Gautam ( Image courtesy – Google       


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